Time-series data is recorded continuously, but classification of the data is done in windows of data. For example, you may look at 10 seconds of an accelerometer data to determine whether you are walking or standing still. Resampling allows splitting data into such shorter time windows.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to:
This technique is useful for feature extraction from time-series data for tasks like classification that you will have to do in your assignment.
# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We first need some sample time-series data. Let's generate a two week temperature dataset sampled at 10 Hz (10 samples per second):
# Create 10Hz data over 14 days
timesteps = 14*24*60*60*10
dates = pd.date_range('2023-01-01', periods=timesteps, freq='100L')
# Daily variation
hour = dates.hour + dates.minute/60
daily_var = (np.sin(2*np.pi*(hour-6)/24) + 1)* 15 # 15 degree swing
# Weekly variation
weekly_var = np.sin(2*np.pi*dates.day/7) * 10
# Overall range
min_temp = 45 + weekly_var
max_temp = 80 + weekly_var
# Generate data
data = {'temp': min_temp + daily_var}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=dates)
# Plot the raw data
plt.ylabel('Temperature (F)')
plt.title('Raw Temperature Data')
# Resample to 1 hour intervals and aggregate
df_hour = pd.DataFrame()
for t,w in df.resample(f"1H"):
frame = {}
frame['time'] = t
frame['avg'] = w['temp'].mean()
frame['std'] = w['temp'].std()
df_hour = df_hour.append(frame,ignore_index=True)
# # Plot the daily aggregated data
plt.plot(df_hour['time'], df_hour['avg'])
plt.title('Hour-wise Aggregated Temperature')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (F)')
# Resample to 1 day intervals and aggregate
df_day = pd.DataFrame()
for t,w in df.resample(f"1D"):
frame = {}
frame['time'] = t
frame['avg'] = w['temp'].mean()
frame['std'] = w['temp'].std()
df_day = df_day.append(frame,ignore_index=True)
# # Plot the daily aggregated data
plt.plot(df_day['time'], df_day['avg'])
plt.title('Daily Aggregated Temperature')
plt.ylabel('Temperature (F)')